KATHERINE SHUERT is from Lombard, Ill. and is currently pursuing a BFA degree in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism at The Theatre School at DePaul University. Her dramaturgy credits at The Theatre School include THE MOLE STORIES and GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. Katherine is also the managing editor of The Grappler, the dramaturgy journal at The Theatre School. Professional credits include GHOSTS (Literary Advisor) with Gwydion Theatre Company.

The Interview: Christopher McElroen

In advance of rehearsals for debate the dramaturgy team Maren Robinson, Katherine Shuert, Omari Sloan, Ashly Demay (DT) sat down with director Christopher McElroen (CM) to ask some questions about Debate: Baldwin vs. Buckley. Dramaturgy Team: …

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