January 21 - February 26, 2022
Read MoreTyla is inspired by TimeLine as a theatre that is willing to take risks, introduce new voices, and tell relevant, hard-hitting stories in a new and exciting way. She is excited to have the opportunity to be a part of that creative footprint, as a Company Member and as an alumna of the Playwrights Collective.
“We’re all connected to history and it’s our responsibility to keep telling those stories and to keep alive the many details that can be lost, forgotten or overlooked in the vastness in which life-changing moments happen. It’s also important to be bold and fearless enough to insist on change through the stories we tell.”
She recalls her first show at TimeLine, IN DARFUR, as “an amazingly intense story, whose truths still take my breath away. It’s lived on with me ever since.” She was also Ron OJ Parson’s Assistant Director on TimeLine’s production of A RAISIN IN THE SUN. Although she had previously worked with Ron on A RAISIN IN THE SUN many times, none of those opportunities compared to having her favorite play brought to life in her hometown. “It was a stellar cast and the space really helped to nurture the claustrophobic intensity the Younger family was challenged with on a daily basis.”
Tyla is an actor, writer, and director. At TimeLine, she has also appeared in PARADISE BLUE and directed the TimePieces play reading of REPAIRING A NATION. In the Chicago area, she has worked as an actor at Chicago Shakespeare, Court, Goodman, Next, and Northlight. She has also worked at Florida’s Asolo Repertory Theatre, Pittsburgh Public Theatre, Milwaukee Rep and Actors Theatre of Louisville. Television credits include THE CHI (recurring role), PROVEN INNOCENT, CHICAGO PD, CHICAGO MED, SHRINK, EMPIRE, EASY, CRISIS, MOB DOCTOR, DETROIT 187, CHICAGO CODE, SHAMELESS, and PRIVATE PRACTICE. You may also have seen her at comedy clubs around town testing jokes for her stand-up show, NAKED & RAW 3 (THE TAKERS AND THE TOOKEN).
Her plays include WHO’S AFRAID OF DEEPAK CHOPRA, ASYLUM (AKA LIFE), PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM, NAKED AND RAW, THE STRAW, AFFAIR OF AMBIGUITY, NORMALITY, and RELENTLESS, which will be produced as part of TimeLine’s 2019-20 season. Abercrumbie’s work has been produced by Pittsburgh Playwright’s Theatre, MPAACT Theatre and Chicago Cultural Center, and THE STRAW received a professional Staged Reading with Chicago Dramatists. Her book Red Wine and the Bles’sed Monkey, a collection of prose and poetry, established her as a respected poet invited to showcase her work at venues, events and media outlets around the country, and as an opener for keynote speakers like the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Tyla grew up on the west side of the Chicago in the Austin community. She has a BA degree from Columbia College with a focus in Theatre and Creative Writing. Her partner in crime is her Yorkshire Terrier, Tobi, whom she consults with on everything.
Member of Actors' Equity Association