Cailyn Murray
House Manager/Box Office Associate
CAILYN MURRAY joined the TimeLine staff in 2023 after moving to Chicago from Washington, DC. Originally from Arlington, Virginia; Cailyn is an actor who has a B.A. degree in Theatre from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Cailyn also acts as a Dungeon Master for Otherworld Theatre’s Interactive D20 Dungeons & Dragons events, and is a proud resident of the Lakeview East neighborhood where she lives with her cat, Nona.
I think the most important thing that art can do is show us reflections of the world we’re currently living in, and I love that TimeLine’s focus is on doing just that! I believe in TimeLine’s mission because I believe in the importance of using art as a means to depict events in history so that we may better connect and understand them.