My Name is Asher Lev
Aug 22, 2014 - Oct 18, 2014
Read MoreJOSH ALTMAN has served as dramaturg for MY NAME IS ASHER LEV, BLOOD AND GIFTS, and the TimePieces play reading of A PICASSO, production assistant for THE FARNSWORTH INVENTION and assistant director for TO MASTER THE ART. He also served as dramaturg for the world premiere of EXIT STRATEGY (Jackalope Theatre) and the reading of SENDER (Victory Gardens’ Ignition Festival). Josh is a company member at Redtwist Theatre, where he directed THE GLASS MENAGERIE and the world premiere of THE BEAUTIFUL DARK. Josh also has worked with Steppenwolf, Court, Writers, Paramount, Redmoon, Next, Red Tape, Mary-Arrchie and Piven Theatre Workshop. He holds a BA degree in Drama from Tufts University.