Lori Cannon is a long-time Chicago AIDS activist and support service provider. She founded Open Hand Chicago, Chicago’s only meals on wheels
program for low income people with AIDS in 1985; founded GroceryLand, the country’s only network of fully functional grocery centers for PWA’s (people w/AIDS) in 1990; co-founded (with Danny Sotomayor) ACT UP Chicag; and is a founding board member and volunteer with The Names Project: AIDS Memorial Quilt. Ms. Cannon was the first volunteer and bus drive for Chicago House (in 1985) and has been a volunteer with AIDS Legal Council of Chicago, STOP AIDS Chicago, Howard Brown Memorial Clinic and AIDS unit 371 at Illinois Masonic Hospital. She is a co-founder of Legacy Project Chic.ago and has been delivering Open Hand meals for more than 30 years. She is a graduate of Columbia University with a degree in film making