Max Dawson is an assistant professor in the department of Radio/Television/Film at Northwestern University. Previously he was an assistant professor in the department of Communication and Culture at Indiana University. A graduate of Northwestern’s Screen Cultures PhD. program, Dawson teaches courses on television, new media, digital culture, and video games. His research examines television’s fraught relationship to new media technologies, exploring the ways in which innovations ranging from the remote control to the mobile phone have unsettled longstanding notions of television’s uses and cultural meanings. He has published articles in the journals Technology and Culture, Convergence, and the Journal of Popular Film and Television, and has contributed chapters to the edited volumes American Thought and Culture in the Twenty-First Century (Columbia University Press, 2008) and Television as Digital Media (Duke University Press, 2010). His current projects include an article on the digital television transition of 2009; co-editing a special issue of the online journal Wi on mobile television; and a manuscript entitled TV Repair which traces the history of television’s encounters with new media technologies.