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Where's the dramaturgy?

Patrons of TimeLine Theatre know that they can read TimeLine’s Backstory or download a study guide online to delve into the issues of a play, but most often they expect...
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About Andrew

After performing in the TimeLine productions This Happy Breed and Pravda, he packed up and moved to London. For the first time, he took a step away from his hometown...
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Share your thoughts

‘Master Harold’ … and the Boys is now open and we are so happy to be sharing Athol Fugard’s masterpiece, the most autobiographical of his plays, with Chicago audiences. Many...
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Fugard Chicago 2010 Events

Fugard Chicago 2010 is a partnership between Remy Bumppo Theatre, Court Theatre and TimeLine Theatre Company, in association with the League of Chicago Theaters, to launch a collaborative Web site...
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Three Plays. Three Directors. One Interview.

A CONVERSATION ABOUT THE WORK OF ATHOL FUGARD Welcome to January and the official beginning of Chicago’s Fugard Chicago 2010. As you may know, TimeLine, Court and Remy Bumppo theatres...
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Mission accomplished: 2,009!

You have fueled my obsession with numbers. Thanks to you we have reached a remarkable goal: 2,009 subscribers in 2009. This is a 50% increase over last year. We suddenly...
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List mania

It’s the end of the year, which means lists, Lists, LISTS! TimeLine’s extraordinary 2009 is being capped by recognition from several sources for our productions of The History Boys and...
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About Athol Fugard

“Athol Fugard has created theater of power, glory, and majestic language.” — The New York Times Once identified by Time magazine as “the greatest active playwright in the English-speaking world,”...
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On feedback

In the last few weeks many people have been posting comments on this blog about our current production of When She Danced, and I wanted to chime in with my...
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Breaking all the rules ...

[ ?posts_id=2973562&dest=60059] This behind-the-scenes video, created by designer Susan Muirhead, has been available in our lobby for audiences of When She Danced for the past few weeks. Along with rehearsal...