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ALL MY SONS Publicity Photos

We had our publicity photo shoot for All My Sons over the weekend. Four actors, one stage manager and a photographer, plus a lakefront tree standing in for the Keller’s...
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About Don

He is a few inches taller than me (I’m 5’2”). He has white hair, soft eyes and a straight smile. And when one meets him for the first time, he...
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About Mike

You’re an actor, and you’re about to be in a production that is supposed to run for nine weeks. It turns out to be a hit so it’s extended. Tickets...
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About Alex

The History Boys. All My Sons. Who are they? Over the next few weeks on Behind the ‘Line we are taking some time to learn more about members of the...
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Everyday creativity

I’ve been doing some reading lately on various forms of creativity and it got me thinking about TimeLine’s mission, and the ways in which we ask our audience to participate...
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Two views on a first rehearsal

It’s upon us! TimeLine’s 13th season got underway when rehearsals for All My Sons started two days ago, on Monday, July 13. As is usually the case at TimeLine first...
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Reflections On A Personal TimeLine

In August I will be celebrating 5 years with TimeLine Theatre. I took a minute to think back over those last 5 years and suddenly felt exhausted, but also incredibly...
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It's all in the picture

Every year for the past three years TimeLine has had the opportunity to work with our friend and photographer Ryan Robinson (check out his Web site to see an amazing...
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Returning to a favorite theatre space

Big day today for TimeLine. HUGE! We have just announced that The History Boys will be extended through September 27. The first show of our season, All My Sons, will...
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FROST/NIXON to launch 2010-11

Exciting day at TimeLine today as we announced that Peter Morgan’s internationally acclaimed play Frost/Nixon will kick off our 2010-11 season this August. And we’ll welcome back TimeLine Associate Artist...