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The Hawk and the Dove

Last summer, as I prepared to take on the role of American negotiator John Honeyman in Lee Blessing’s A Walk in the Woods and researched the world of arms negotiators,...
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A terrific day in New York

Getting up at 4 am is not my idea of starting a day off right. By a longshot. But I made an exception one week ago, and it was more...
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Paper magic

If you’ve been following TimeLine’s 15th Anniversary season at all — received our 2011-12 subscription brochure, gotten an email, attended a show — you’ve seen the four images we’re using...
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Share your thoughts

TimeLine’s 15th season opener A Walk in the Woods — the Pulitzer Prize-nominated play by Lee Blessing that first premiered on Broadway in 1988 and has been revived, with a...
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Remembering 9/11

The kick-off to TimeLine’s 2011-12 season has been busier than ever before, with two shows opening at two different venues, A Walk in the Woods at Theater Wit and The...
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Lighting the artistic impulse

Written by BJ Jones In 1969 I joined the United Mine Workers. I made varnish for Mobil Chemical one summer during college. Midway through the summer the UMW went out...
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17 nominations

It’s been a big week at TimeLine! A Walk in the Woods is underway at Theater Wit, The Pitmen Painters starts in just a few days, and on Wednesday the...
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Opening Night

Tonight is Opening Night of the first production of our 15th Anniversary season and my 16th show at TimeLine. My first opening night at TimeLine was a little less than...
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History before our eyes

In March 2004 Nicholas D. Kristof, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist wrote: For decades, whenever the topic of genocide has come up, the refrain has been, ‘Never again.’...
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A thrilling year starts

Today — with the first preview of A Walk in the Woods at 8 pm — we welcome you to TimeLine’s 15th season, with an expanded schedule featuring more than...