A feeling of family

As The History Boys starts its second week of rehearsals, we are excited to post the first of hopefully many updates and reflections from members of the cast and production team.

Our first contributor is Brad Bukauskas:

We officially began rehearsals on March 9, and from the moment the entire cast and crew stepped into the room, there was a feeling of family. I think we all immediately felt comfortable with one another because we knew that we were all in this process together. Although we have just begun rehearsals, the camaraderie in the room is tangible. Alan Bennett’s “The History Boys” demands so much from the people working on it that all of us felt at ease when PJ opened up the first rehearsal with “It takes a town to put up a play.

Brad Bukauskas
Brad Bukauskas

All of us involved in this project are aware of the detail and information that is multi-layered throughout this beautiful play. It is filled with reference after coded reference — embarrassingly, many of which I had little or no knowledge of before this project. I can’t tell you how many hours we have spent in a library or asking our friend Google for an answer. I feel like we are all soldiers walking onto the battlefield of knowledge. But we all are aware that we are in it together.

This play references World War I along with the story of soldiers and their identity throughout. There is something beautiful about a group bonding together to make it to the finish line. To me, that is what this group and this class of boys embodies. We all rely on one another. This is a show where leaning on the guy’s shoulder to the left of you is a necessity. It is great to witness such learning and bonding as not just a cast, but as a class as well. And this class includes anyone that steps into our rehearsal room. I am proud and honored to say that I get the opportunity to grow beside each and every one of these talented individuals.

Brad plays the character Timms in The History Boys.





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  1. Bernie Holicky


    I’ve been around a while and knew who Anne of Clives was, even if the Headmaster didn’t. BUT, I have been doing some Googling too. I’m really looking forward to the great ensemble play.
