Welcome to our new blog!

We’ve been talking about a blog for a long time. We tried it once (three years ago during the run of Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom) and it was great while it lasted, but unfortunately didn’t stick.

Now TimeLine is getting serious about expanding our online community. We started out in recent weeks on Facebook (become a fan through our public profile) and Twitter (follow us here). In the future you’ll see more photos of our productions and behind-the-scenes using the online photo-sharing site Flickr. And who knows what else (we’re still learning about all the possibilities)!

And this week, the unveiling of our new and improved blog, Behind the ‘Line: Backstage musings on yesterday’s stories and today’s topics.  Join us here for behind-the-scenes insight and conversation with TimeLine artists, Company members, staff and others. By expanding our mission, our conversation and our community to the online space, we’ll create new ways for you — our diverse, cultured, inquisitive and inspiring audience — to connect with TimeLine, our mission and the people who make up the TimeLine family.

As with all things TimeLine, we’ll do our best to make it an engaging, educational, entertaining and enlightening experience for all. And we thank you for being a part of it!

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