TimeLine’s Chicago premiere of Winter Miller’s In Darfur is up and running and so far we are very gratified by the response audiences are having to this extraordinary play. Many of Chicago’s theater critics have already had their say but we hope you will share your own response, review, comments or questions about the production below. We look forward to the conversation!

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Bernie Holicky
I was emotionally drained. Coming back again with friends next Saturday.
peggy viehweger
Was not really looking forward to it, for various reasons, scared of the violence, horror, I guess. Thought it was SO WELL DONE and I learned so much. I was completely absorbed through-out – the use of the local language with the translation was very inclusive, in a good way. The set was incredible.
I specifically wanted to attend when there was a discussion group. I was somewhat disappointed with that. Though the experts were definitely experts, and the moderator was good, the way of speaking of the woman in particular was so round-about that it was very hard to follow and boring. Unforgiveable, that. And such a shame.
steve everett
My wife and I attended In Darfur on Friday Feb 11 were impacted by the stark reality of your production. We are subscribers and attend regularly.
I was profoundly impacted by In Darfur. My sleep was interrupted at 5 am with a flood of emotion. I could not sleep so I worked out. The feelings of sadness, pain, depression, and just plain tears emerged unannounced. All of the actress/actors performed exquisitely and Mildred Lang-Ford stole my heart and soul. The Study Guide, video and other materials have been helpful to give me a basis for action.
Richard Eastline
As I’ve come to expect, another superbly produced play. I found myself intensely tuned in to the expressive words and actions of all of the actors. My only concern is what I feel to be more-than-necessary use of video to enhance the stage action. If this becomes customary, how soon before a staged event becomes a movie?
M. L. Stracke
Excellent production. Beautifully acted, as usual.