The close of TimeLine’s 15th Anniversary season is fast approaching and the end of our fiscal year on June 30 is days away.
This season seemed to fly by. It was our busiest yet with 107 additional performances, more than 800 new subscribers and 10,000 additional seats to fill; opening A Walk In The Woods and The Pitmen Painters within 19 days of each other; and producing the world premiere of John Conroy’s My Kind of Town.

It is hard to pick one thing I am most proud of from this extraordinary season, but My Kind of Town is in the top 5. Having lived in the world of new plays and new play development at Victory Gardens Theater for 15 years before coming to TimeLine four and a half years ago, it is always exciting when we do a new play. I feel like a kid at Christmas during tech and watching the first performance. I know something awesome and amazing is going to happen.
The work the Company and John Conroy did on My Kind Of Town in the last two years and the work that continued with the cast in rehearsals was exceptional and inspiring.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Company Members, Associate Artists, staff and Board Members past and present for getting all of us to this milestone year and for continuing to inspire and challenge me daily. It takes a lot of people to make TimeLine run the way it does, and the dedication of the staff can never be underestimated.
One of the hallmarks of TimeLine’s operation that caught my attention a little over 5 years ago when I first met PJ was that at the time the company had operated each year in the black. I’m proud to say that this amazing accomplishment has continued.
Today, as we come to the end of this fiscal year, we are very close to making “budget in the black” a reality for the 15th straight year. To help us, several of TimeLine’s long-time supporters have issued a challenge. If we can raise $10,000 in the next 6 days, they will match those gifts with a $10,000 gift.
Your support over the years has made TimeLine a place we can all be exceptionally proud of and a place I’m honored to work. I hope you will take a moment to consider a fiscal-year-end gift to continue the legacy.