Behind the ‘Line

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About Athol Fugard

“Athol Fugard has created theater of power, glory, and majestic language.” — The New York Times Once identified by Time magazine as “the greatest active playwright in the English-speaking world,” Athol Fugard is known for his deeply rooted and controversial anti-apartheid dramas. Raised in Port Elizabeth since the age of three, Fugard deems himself the mongrel son of an English speaking father of Polish/Irish descent and an Afrikaner mother. Before becoming a playwright, young Fugard ...
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On feedback

In the last few weeks many people have been posting comments on this blog about our current production of When She Danced, and I wanted to chime in with my thanks for sharing your thoughts. It means so much to our entire company to hear ...
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Breaking all the rules …

This behind-the-scenes video, created by designer Susan Muirhead, has been available in our lobby for audiences of When She Danced for the past few weeks. Along with rehearsal footage, it features director (and founding TimeLine Company member) Nick Bowling and actor Jennifer Engstrom discussing the ...
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Share your thoughts

When She Danced has been open for just over a week now and with sold-out houses every night, already nearly 500 of you have seen the show! Many of Chicago’s professional theater critics have weighed in on When She Danced (read what they have to ...
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From DePaul to TimeLine

Mary Williamson found herself auditioning for When She Danced thinking in the back of her mind that she was young to physically fit any of the roles. But before walking into her audition she felt a familiar feeling. The same natural actor-friendly feeling that she ...
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Appeal of Fall

The air is crisp, the leaves are turning, and Walgreens has been fully stocked with Halloween candy for the last 4 months. All this can only mean one thing to a fundraiser—fall appeal time! It is a time of great work and great reward. As you write the appeal letter, prep your mailing lists, gather your army of volunteers and a big box of labels, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of glue ...
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Looking back at the end

Today marks the beginning of our long weekend of saying goodbye to The History Boys. Wednesday means it’s the “start of the final weekend.” Just six more performances of the show, which closes on Sunday. After six months living with this play, these people, this ...
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About Will

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the final installment in our series of interviews with members of The History Boys cast. Thanks to all who participated and all of you who have spent time reading about some of the folks who have been a part of making ...
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About Andrew

After performing in the TimeLine productions This Happy Breed and Pravda, he packed up and moved to London. For the first time, he took a step away from his hometown of Chicago to experience something different. In London, he explored another lifestyle — watching theater ...
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2,009 in 2009

UPDATE 12/20/09: Wow. We did it! Read my new message about an incredible goal reached here … UPDATE 12/7/09: Excitement!  We are getting soooooo close. 1,966 TimeLine subscriptions sold during 2009 — just 43 more to go before we reach 2,009 and stop selling FlexPasses ...
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