Behind the ‘Line

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Time Will Tell

The History Boys opened on Saturday! It’s been a whirlwind week full of hard and fast work, anticipation, excitement and joy. Cast member Andrew Carter reflects: It’s Monday, and I have the next three days off, but I can’t stop thinking about the show. The past seven weeks have been so thrilling, so utterly engaging, that my mind refuses to rest.  Just two weeks ago, I was sweating it out with the rest of the ...
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It’s been an incredible month at TimeLine since our world premiere of Not Enough Air closed March 22. Two days later, the seats our audience have known for nine years found a new home at Profiles Theatre. Our theater was emptied completely, the stage floor ...
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It’s been tech week for The History Boys for the past seven days; actor Brad Bukauskas submits a report from the front lines: Tech week is always hectic, regardless of the show.  This is the big moment where everyone is in the space and working ...
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Bucking the trend?

An article caught my attention this week, appearing in The Independent [UK] on April 13, 2009, written by playwright J.T. Rogers, a Brooklyn-based writer of exceptional talent, insight, humor and craft (and also a great person with whom I’m happy to have built a friendship). ...
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Tech Tweets

Last night I sat in on the tech rehearsal for The History Boys.  The current issue of Newcity came out yesterday with a cover story about the show. We had copies for everyone and had an impromptu photo shoot with the boys and their copies ...
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Cover Boys

Serious buzz around the theater this afternoon — The History Boys is featured on the COVER of Newcity, a Chicago arts and entertainment weekly magazine! We were so excited we had to get this shot of the boys with the paper. We picked up just a few copies …! You can find your own issue around the city this week (it’s FREE!) and you can read the article right now here.
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Reflections on Step Into Time

I’ve worked on a lot of benefits. I think nearly 20 of them over the past 15 or so years, that have collectively raised approximately $2.5 million in net proceeds. Some have been small, but most have been big and even a lot glitzy, with ...
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A Happy Birthday

Today – April 9, 2009 – marks the 12th birthday of TimeLine Theatre Company. True, we were not officially incorporated as a not-for-profit organization until December of 1997, and we didn’t produce our first production until April of 1998, however the company really began on ...
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Thoughts on the First Designer Run

A “First Designer Run” is a complete run of the entire play that everyone in attendance accepts in advance is not going to be good. The audience, made up of the full production team, is there to make lists of things that need to get ...
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A video about us

At last week’s Step Into Time: Wintergarten Varieté benefit event (Friday, March 27 – stay tuned for photos and much more about a great night), we unveiled a brand-new video about, well, us! It’s an inspiring compilation of TimeLine artists, board members, staff and supporters ...
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