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"Trust no one in this play"

During rehearsals for Blood and Gifts, TimeLine Artistic Director PJ Powers (PJP) talked with playwright J.T. Rogers (JTR) about his genesis as a playwright, the extensive research that informed the...
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A little sex in our theatre

I like a little sex in my theatre. During our Sunday Scholars Series for TimeLine’s production of Concerning Strange Devices from the Distant West by Naomi Iizuka, Artistic Director PJ...
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Photos as ownership and nostalgia

One of the joys of seeing live theater is feeling certain ideas reverberate with your own experiences. I have not been to Japan, and yet on seeing Naomi Iizuka’s Concerning...
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Sharing patron perspectives

Visit our website to learn how to submit your own photos! TimeLine’s current production of Concerning Strange Devices from the Distant West explores the role of photography in our experience...
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Truth at our fingertips?

Think back. Way back to a time that now seems almost incomprehensible— nearly the last millennium. Can you recall when you didn’t have a camera at your fingertips, seemingly at...
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Building a hole

Over the past 11 weeks of Wasteland, we’ve watched as audiences step into the theater and are immediately drawn into the world of the play before one word of the...
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Sometimes it takes a play

The best kind of theatre breaks down boundaries. As chance would have it, the year that I started working at TimeLine Theatre was also the year that my grandparents moved...
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Timing can be everything

Sometimes it helps to be just a little bit lucky. This notion obviously isn’t new to me—I am continually aware of my great fortune to have been around the right...
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A potent call to action

In 2010 TimeLine’s literary manager, Ben Thiem, encouraged me and my fellow Company Members to read Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart. Embarrassingly, initially I made the mistake of assuming that...
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Putting it together

The process of putting up a show at TimeLine is always both exhilarating and exhausting. But that may never be more true than when we produce a show away from...