Search Results for freedom-martin (Displaying 60 Results)

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The cast of POCKET: Getting to know Cage Sebastian Pierre I hope they’ll support theatre, specifically Black theatre. I hope they ask, “Who are the Freedom Riders. I’d like to know more about them.” But most of all, I...
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The cast of POCKET: Getting to know Jennifer Latimore real and so relatable. This story is one I’ve never heard before, the consequences of choosing to fight for freedom and the impact it has on those closest to...
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CARDBOARD Cast 101: Getting to know Adia Alli

...from Kai, to making sure Freedom is on top of his homework because he’s still in high school! I am so thankful for all of them. We truly love and...
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An interview with Winter

...fact-check it, along with a lot of other people—they said, you can’t name our organization; you will endanger our people on the ground, you will jeopardize our freedom to be...
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An intense collaborative process

...and forth through time. And third, I’m trying to create a completely separate idea full of color, romance and freedom to transport us to the spiritual. Although these ideas contrast...
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Interview with Dominique Morisseau

...always wanted to know how someone raised by such forward thinking people could be so brilliant and destructive at the same time. And 3) The various freedom fighters of the...
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Bucking the trend?

...developed and originated Guantanamo: Honor Bound To Defend Freedom, which TimeLine produced a few years ago). But my amazement wasn’t necessarily about the audacity of them programming discussion-inducing, historical material...
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9 questions for Jamie Vann play people who actually existed but aren’t famous, you feel a bit more freedom to make choices. In one instance at Next Theatre, I played one of the scientists...
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Resources: In Darfur

...violence. To learn more about the current political situation in southern Sudan you might want to check out “Southern Sudan Feels Freedom Close at Hand” by Jeffrey Gettleman in The...
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Welcome to our new blog!

We’ve been talking about a blog for a long time. We tried it once (three years ago during the run of Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom) and it was...