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Remote Viewing of RELENTLESS

...on the right side of this page.  — If you experience any technical difficulties, please let us know by emailing your concerns to or by calling 773.281.8463 x6. Our team is...
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Welcome to TimeLine

We’re happy you visited us at the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival! This page recaps information that was shared at the event, with links to additional resources. From this page, you can...
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The Latest from TimeLine Theatre

This page is an archive of the news and behind-the-scenes insights TimeLine shared during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic theatre shutdown, spanning March 2020 through September 2021 (soon before...
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Sweepstakes Rules entry mechanic that has been set up for the applicable Sweepstakes, which may take the form of an entry page on the Sponsor Website (, “Website”), a widget, a...
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TimeLine South 2021: Wellness Corner

...other teaching artists to create another layer of support for the entire ensemble. On this page, we are sharing many of the resources that the TimeLine South Ensemble worked with...
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Why donate to TimeLine?

...of being a TimeLine donor on our Individual Giving page. Pictured (from left): Alex Weisman, Joel Gross, Behzad Dabu, Brad Bukauskas, Govind Kumar, Rob Fenton, Michael Peters and Will Allan...
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TimeLine South 2020: Wellness Corner

...another layer of support for the entire ensemble. On this page, we are sharing many of the resources that the TimeLine South Ensemble worked with during their 6-week program. We...
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Our 2020-2021 Season

...And you can always check out our updates page to read the latest news. Update as of March 30, 2021 TIMELINE FLEXPASSES ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR SALE! While we may...
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KILL MOVE PARADISE: All the Ways to Take Action

BE A WITNESS AND TESTIFY Transformation takes time and requires purposeful and sustained action. Thank you for visiting this page in connection with our Chicago premiere production of Kill Move...
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...在一个凉爽的十月下午,后世所称的“洛杉矶华人大屠杀”爆发。此次大规模种族仇杀事件的起因是,当时在美国四处流传着对于华人的仇视言论:华人们被丑化为“抢走白人工作的野蛮人。” 在这次屠杀事件中,有19名华人丧生––这一数字是当时洛杉矶华人人口的10%。与此同时,中国城也被洗劫一空,遭受的现金和财产损失将近40000美元。 1875 《1875年佩琦法案》(1875 Page Act)禁止了中国女性移民美国。1870 年代初期,美国每 1000 名华人男性大约对应 78 名华人女性。该法案通过后,这一比例降至了每 1000 名男性对应 48 名女性。 1882    《1882排华法案》颁布。这一法案被广泛认定为,美国历史上第一部针对特定族群的移民法。法案限制了华人劳工前往美国,全面禁止了中国移民。该法案还禁止了美国境内的中国移民获得公民身份,将他们的合法地位限制为“外籍居民”,明明白白地显示出当时美国境内的仇外情绪和对华人占领工作市场的危机感。 1882-1892 美国各地针对中国矿工的种族屠杀持续发生:这其中包括石泉城大屠杀(1885)和地狱峡谷大屠杀(1887)。此中的种族矛盾积蓄已久:许多白人矿工将他们恶劣的工作条件归咎于中国工人的涌入,尤其是因为后者愿意接受更糟糕的薪酬和待遇。 1892 美国政府续签《排华法案》。 1902 美国政府宣布:《排华法案》将永久实施。 1943 由于中国在第二次世界大战期间成为与美国共同对抗日本的盟友,《马格努森法案》在1943年取代了《排华法案》。 来自中国的女人:阿芳妹 她的双手紧握着,拘谨地放置在双腿之上。在屋子中央,她静静地坐着,身旁围绕着不少书画、灯笼、还有茶具。通过这张来自1835年、名为“来自中国的女人”的印刷品中,我们得以能够一睹阿芳妹的样貌。与此同时,她,也悄悄地看向我们。在历史之中,阿芳妹,究竟是谁呢? 1834年10月17日,当运货商船“华盛顿号”满载着茶叶和其他花哨的中国商品,登陆纽约港口时,一位特别的乘客在当日的《纽约每日快讯》中获得了特别的关注:“‘华盛顿号’的船长为我们带来了一位美丽的中国女性:名为Julia Foochee...