Behind the ‘Line

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TimeLine South Spotlight: Wilfredo Ramos Jr.

For the past three summers, Living History’s TimeLine South has offered an ensemble of teenagers the opportunity to learn basic skills in theatre & performing arts from some of the most experienced and dynamic artists in the city. Through this six-week summer arts program, students engage in advocacy and community building through art as a way to illuminate some of their community’s toughest challenges and spark change. We understand that these topics can be difficult ...
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TimeLine South Spotlight: Am’Ber Montgomery

For the past three summers, Living History’s TimeLine South has offered an ensemble of teenagers the opportunity to learn basic skills in theatre & performing arts from some of the most experienced and dynamic artists in the city. Through this six-week summer arts program, students ...
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TimeLine South Spotlight: Airos Sung-En Medill

For the past three summers, Living History’s TimeLine South has offered an ensemble of teenagers the opportunity to learn basic skills in theatre & performing arts from some of the most experienced and dynamic artists in the city. Through this six-week summer arts program, students ...
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Announcing 2020-2022 Playwrights Collective

  TimeLine is pleased to announce that four new playwrights have joined our Playwrights Collective, the company’s new play incubator. Dolores Díaz, Kristin Idaszak, Osiris Khepera, and David Rhee (pictured above, from left) are now in residence with the Playwrights Collective through January 2022. Over ...
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Standing with our community

At TimeLine this week, watching and sharing in the pain and outrage being expressed across the country, we’ve remembered these words of playwright James Ijames: “Every time I think we have reached a point where maybe this play is obsolete. It’s suddenly not. And the ...
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“It’s Dinner and a Play”

During our interview with To Master the Art playwright Doug Frew and playwright and director William Brown, Bill mentioned Doug had been embracing an old tradition to pass quarantine: the classic dinner and a movie. With a group of friends, each week someone picked a movie, and everyone made a meal inspired by the themes. Then, after showing off their culinary creations and screening the film, they convened virtually to discuss their thoughts on what ...
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A play ahead of its time

Welcome to the long overdue Chicago debut of Githa Sowerby’s Rutherford and Son. Written and originally produced to great acclaim in 1912, this was a play ahead of its time. It initially drew comparisons to dramas by Ibsen and Shaw and was hailed for its ...
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A conversation with the women of RUTHERFORD AND SON

  During rehearsals for Rutherford and Son, director Mechelle Moe (MM) and cast members Jeannie Affelder (JA), Christina Gorman (CG), and Rochelle Therrien (RT) chatted about the play and their responses to it. (MM) Hi everybody! Happy Wednesday afternoon! I’d like for everyone just to say ...
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History: It’s complicated

When I tell new friends or extended family that I’m a history PhD, they unfailingly ask: “So do you love Downton Abbey?” or “What do you think of Hamilton?” You’re a historian, so you must like historical drama. I mean, obviously! The “Oslo” dramaturgy team ...
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OSLO: Additional Resources

Fascinated by the people, themes, and content of Oslo? Longing to learn more? We’ve got you. Dig deeper into the world in and around Oslo with these additional materials to read and watch. PUBLICATIONS From Oslo to Jerusalem: The Palestinian Story of the Secret Negotiations by ...
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